Legacy of the confederation
Legacy of the confederation

legacy of the confederation

Others focus on the political consequences of the agreement in the decades that followed. Some address the causes of Confederation and the sources of inspiration for the British North America Act. The articles are few in number – just eight articles in the past fifty years have directly addressed Confederation, and not one article on Confederation has been published in French – but they are deeply researched, engagingly written, and of continuing importance today 2. To support and stimulate this work, the editorial team of the Canadian Journal of Political Science has partnered with Cambridge University Press to make CJPS articles on Confederation freely available in this online special issue. Whether one prefers to reflect on Confederation with the irony of The Daddies or the solemnity of The Fathers, Canada’s 150th anniversary is a clear opportunity for renewed research and debate 1. His new painting, The Daddies, replicates Robert Harris’s famous portrait of the Fathers of Confederation at Quebec, but adds a few new details – like scattered bottles of booze and a nude figure, Miss Chief Eagle Testickle, who lounges gamely in the foreground. Another Torontonian, the artist Kent Monkman, has taken a more provocative approach to historical reinterpretation. One research team in Toronto has assembled an interdisciplinary anthology of outstanding Canadian scholarship on Confederation, to be published later this year. Workshops have been convened, special speakers invited, conferences organized, grants granted.

legacy of the confederation

This year, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Canada’s founding, Canadian scholars and artists are actively rethinking the causes, consequences, and meaning of Confederation. Canada 150: Confederation and the Canadian Journal of Political Science

Legacy of the confederation